Project Pages v1.0 was written before Block enabled themes existed! Thankfully, through this awesome evolution of WordPress, we now have lots of great block-enabled themes which we can use, and Project Pages v2.0 is a great portfolio maker for block enabled themes, as well as still having support for old pre-block themes too.
Block enabled themes with Project Pages #

If you see a message like the above in your WordPress admin, it’s good news. Your theme is block-enabled. This means Project Pages can use it’s shiny new templates and make your Project Pages look great out of the box.
You can change your template mode to ‘Default’ which uses the latest and greatest Block-enabled templates. This means you can use Project Pages blocks throughout your site, (and if you have Pro you can use the extra blocks included in that).
Read more about template mode and see where to change it here.

Non-block-enabled themes with Project Pages #

“The theme you are currently using is not compatible with the Site Editor”
If you see a message like the above in your WordPress admin, it means your theme is not block-enabled. This means Project Pages cannot use it’s shiny new templates. That’s okay, you can still use the old ‘legacy’ templates from Project Pages v1.0, they’re just less shiny.
Given WordPress has evolved a lot around block architecture, we’d advise you think about moving your theme to be a more modern one which is block based, (there’s just many benefits to using block based themes now).
Without a block based theme you cannot change your template mode from ‘Legacy’.
Read more about template mode here.
As ever, if you need any support with this or another issue, please contact me.